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February 16, 2005


NP: Warren Zevon, Life'll Kill Ya

No, it's not another Social Security post. There are some things you might want to know, though.

  • When Avery's label design program tells you that your printer is calibrated, and that your business cards should be neatly centered, it may be lying. There doesn't seem to be any recourse but to waste one sheet of cards figuring out where they get laid out, then messing with the calibration off of that instead of the "calibration sheet," which seems largely useless.
  • When TiVo says that the new TiVo-To-Go feature works for all accounts starting with a certain prefix, they may be lying. They will tell you this with one line in a message after your system has been updated with the new software version that indicates that the new feature, which motivated you to go buy a new DVD-R drive for your computer, won't work on your particular model of TiVo/DVD player combo.
  • Except that it might work anyway.
  • When Movable Type says all you need to do for a particular plugin is put five files in three locations, and set permissions properly, and you'll be ready to go, they may be lying. Except maybe only to you. If anyone knows why MultiBlog's configuration file insists on being downloaded instead of executing, please let me know.

The moral of the story here is that the way to really, really make me mad is to have a process go awry when I've followed all the steps properly, or have two identical processes yield entirely different outcomes. I guess that's the downside of believing so strongly in patterns and predictability.


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