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February 17, 2005

State Of The Site Address

NP: Wilco, A Ghost Is Born

I'm still sort of scared to look too closely at the deepest corners of the site since the Movable Type upgrade, but here's what I've been able to figure out so far:

  • MultiBlog hates me. The plugin refuses to do anything remotely resembling working properly. It won't let touch the configuration file, for reasons totally unknown.
  • Progress costs money. I need something called "Storable" to make MT-Blacklist, the go-to plugin for stopping comment spam, work with MT 3.15, but still haven't gotten a quote from my hosting company as to how much installing it is going to cost me. That might make a great birthday gift. Or a big-ass TV. I'm just sayin'.
  • Comment spam still sucks. I've got a couple of things in place, but the best I can get is that I have to approve of comments before they show up in individual entries. Except that, because I'm using GlobalListings instead of MultiBlog, the unapproved comments still show up in that right rail of the main page. And for some reason, the Drums section is attracting a disproportionate amount of the spam. I may just turn off the global comments bit on the front page until I get it sorted out.

I'd say that things are running smoothly with those exceptions, but they're some pretty big exceptions.


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