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February 24, 2005


NP: Kings of Leon, Aha Shake Heartbreak

I seem to have problems sleeping through the night. When I come back up to Stage I sleep, I tend to come all the way back to wakefulness, roll over, and go back down. This, if the glut of attention on sleep apnea and related disorders is to be believed, is not good.

Factor in a lingering cold, and it's been a rough go lately.

Now, I've got a new strategy that dovetails nicely with my active lifestyle. Run myself into the ground. Between working out, rehearsing, gigging, playing soccer and all other manner of extracurricular activity, I've been completely exhausted by the time head hits pillow. Add some Nyquil for the cold and a BreatheRight strip for better airflow (trust me, those things really work), and it's been a nice sojourn to la-la land for at least the last two nights.

The new problem, of course, is actually waking up. Punctuality has not been my strong suit of late, not that it ever has, but this week has been particularly rough. Some of it is that internal debate as to whether or not I should give in to the cold and call in sick, which takes up a good twenty to thirty minutes from the point my alarm clock goes off. At that point, the extra five minutes it would take to pour a bowl of cereal is just out of the question. I think maybe the subsequent reliance on Dunkin Donuts' breakfast sandwiches might be one of the leading factors to a somewhat dispiriting net weight loss of zero since I stopped drinking and started working out.

On a related note, the office coffee is just not an option anymore. I wonder if knowing that I have to stop at Dunkin Donuts anyway at all influences the buy-versus-build decision regarding breakfast? Probably.


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