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March 01, 2005

Green Light For Boys In Blue

NP: Elvis Costello, The Delivery Man

The Cubbies finally got the go-ahead for their Wrigley Field expansion. Seems the holdup was over a traffic light at Clark and Waveland.

On the one hand, if they're building a parking garage on that corner, it probably makes sense. On the other, there wasn't even a stop sign on that corner until about two and a half years ago.

I'm still sorta wrapping my head around the idea of an actual parking garage in my old 'hood. It seems to run anathema to the whole concept of Wrigley, but it's a somewhat outdated concept, to be sure. We -- in the bigger, Chicago sense, seeing as how I'm a good two miles away now -- got used to lights, we can get used to a garage.


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