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March 01, 2005

Neal and Jack and Me

NP: The Tony Williams Lifetime, The Collection

Okay, now I just need to find someone named Jack who turned 35 today to make the King Crimson reference in the title work.

Via Eric Zorn, writer Neal Pollack is in pretty much the exact same boat as I am, save the whole he's-a-published-author thing:

Today is my 35th birthday. Suddenly, Teen Spirit smells like menthol rub. Both the Arcade Fire songs have disappeared from my IPod and my TIVO is no longer letting me record Adult Swim. On the other hand, if this was 8,000 years ago, I'd have been eaten by a predatory cat by now!

There's an SUV full of Lipitor sitting in my driveway.

I don't think I'm resigned to the mature, adult lifestyle Pollack seems to be fearing. Yet.

(Sooner or later, I'm going to have to break down and check out The Arcade Fire. The level of buzz around them is staggering.)

(Wow, I'm posting a lot today.)


Intel stock is also up today +0.63. Happy Birthday.


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