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March 06, 2005

Hitherto Unknown

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

In my sixteen years of living in Chicago, and seven of those with a car, there is one thing I had never seen here, until last week.

Squeegee guys.

You know, the guys who wash your windshields at stop signs without you asking, then expect you to give them money? They're somewhat ubiqitous in New York City, but not so much over here.

So, not only was I surprised at the two working the corner of Ashland and Cermak Thursday night just on principle, I was just downright confused at their choice of location. Really, Ashland and Cermak? If this is the Chicago squeegee guy's strategy, it's not surprising that the practice hasn't caught on. There just isn't much of anything down there.


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