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March 11, 2005

Signpost Up Ahead

NP: Stevie Wonder, The Definitive Collection

Okay, first of all, I seem to have suddenly lost the ability to type. Seriously. My error rate seems to be skyrocketing today. Entire words are just falling by the wayside in a dyslexic rage.

Second of all, I always thought that the 18th Street onramp to the northbound Kennedy was pretty rough, owing to the fact that you have to cut across three lanes of traffic exiting to the Eisenhower. Last night, I realized that you're not actually supposed to do that. There are even signs, telling you that you should stay in the exit lane all the way up to Taylor Street, after the Ike splits off.

I've been playing soccer on and off down in that neighborhood for at least two or three years now. I never noticed that. Weird.

Speaking of playing soccer, I'm hobbling a bit today after somebody kicked me right where the muscle attaches to my right calf. Not fun at all, but it seems to be getting at least a little better. As is my overall game. I seemed to be intercepting a lot of passes last night, so I'm getting into spaces more quickly. I don't know if my reflexes are improving physically or mentally, or if it's a combination of both.


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