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March 23, 2005

The Answer is The Answer

NP: Queens of the Stone Age, Lullabies to Paralyze

So the most significant thing so far this morning is that Allen Iverson gave me a donut. Figuratively.

Late night last night, which necessitated the large Dunkin Donuts coffee, with the sports trivia game attached. First Sixer to win Rookie of the Year? Sorry, Chuckles, it ain't you. God bless the Internet and all that, because I probably would have guessed Doug Collins.

Vaughan's was crazy busy last night, somewhat surprising given the full week of St. Patrick's Day festivities last week. Could be spring break related. Not sure. Will check back with more sentence fragments. Funniest moment, by a long shot, was Anto knocking over his chair-as-music-stand, reaching over to pick it up, and subsequently knocking over the stool he was sitting on. Shortly thereafter, he declared his voice "fooked" and went home.

My little sister being in town articulated certain cultural differences between New York and Chicago, namely the smoking ban in the former. She was pretty surprised by that, as well as by her big brother singing OutKast, but the somewhat raucous crowd warranted, nay, demanded it.

If I keep teasing the weekend towing story -- WITH PICTURES! -- it's going to end up very anticlimactic. Maybe later.

This narrative voice has been brought to you by sleep deprivation and CEO going-away parties. And maybe some Guinness.


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