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April 06, 2005

Life Imitating Cyberpunk

NP: Granian, On My Own Two Feet

I remember commenting some post over at BuzzMachine about how a lot of the kind of world Jeff Jarvis was espousing sounded an awful lot like Neal Stephenson's future in The Diamond Age. It was something related to the reorganization of society based on shared values rather than geography, but that's not the point here.

The point is, Stephenson seems to be striking again, this time as Stephen Bury, the name he used to write Interface. That book starts off with the president of the United States telling the world we're defaulting on our debt. And it's not hard to imagine Karl Rove as the puppet master transmitting signals directly into the president's brain, is it?


What?!?! Dubya has a BRAIN!?!?? When did that happen? And why didn't anyone tell me? ;-)

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