NP: John Cage, 4'33"
Putting aside for a moment the rest of Tom DeLay's recent press clippings, I found this article in the New York Times fascinating. DeLay, along with other far-right GOP congressmen, are all but declaring war on the judicial system. The chief of staff for Tom Coburn (R-OK) said he favored impeaching judges, and DeLay suggested throttling funding for those who were deemed "out of line."
Picking fights with Democrats much have gotten boring.
A lot of this comes back to the Schiavo case, and all of this points to why I can't stand extreme partisanship, particularly from Republicans. With regard to Schiavo, court after court after court found in favor of Michael Schiavo. It was a pretty unified front. So, when the likes of DeLay and company come into conflict with those decisions, they decide that they must be right and the judges must be wrong. For an allegedly religious man, isn't this the sin of pride in a nutshell?
The GOP views the courts as an obstacle to getting their way, but what they're failing to realize on a massive scale is that the courts are supposed to be an obstacle to one side getting their way to the point where it negatively affects the other side. The courts are doing exactly what they're supposed to do, but in their much-ballyhooed arrogance of power, the far right wing is throwing a temper tantrum about it.
It may be wishful thinking on my part, but it's looking more and more like the Republicans are shooting themselves in the same feet their stamping because they're not getting their way.
Nobody likes the guy who insists he's always right, the Pope notwithstanding. Although, many people don't like the Pope, including some of those who have been fawning over him since his passing, but that's well-documented elsewhere. is not spamming you -- please read
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January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
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In My Defense
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When A Foul Isn't A Foul
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