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April 11, 2005

Vapor Trail

NP: Bruce Springsteen, The Rising

I don't know if it was the six gigs, a rehearsal and 400+ miles of driving in eight days finally catching up with me, the fact that the singer I was playing with for those last two gigs had a nasty cold, or Mary's bout with a cold from last week, but I'm feeling completely useless today. Mostly because I can't fucking breathe through my nose at all. Just popped some Walgreens-branded DayQuil, so we'll see if that helps at all.

As far as I can tell, it's just a sinus thing, as there's no cough or sore through, but damn, my head feels like it's wrapped in cotton. Around my nose, cotton that's been packed with barbed wire.

What I'm saying is, don't expect much in the way of lucid commentary today. Not that you need that kind of disclaimer.


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