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April 19, 2005

Opposition du Jour

NP: Garbage, Bleed Like Me

The problem with all the various shitstorms swirling around the president and his dwindling approval rating is that you sometimes get them confused. There's a headline in today's New York Times that reads "Delay Is Sought in Vote on U.N. Nominee," and I had to stop for a moment and try to reconcile how the embattled House Majority Leader was involved with Bolton's Senate confirmation hearings. Then I realized it's "delay" with a little "l" and not DeLay with a big ethics problem. Had they managed to throw "privatization" in there, I'd have totally been at sea.

As it turns out, there's a piece on DeLay right below the Bolton piece in the NYT e-mail. Can he be indicted for poor grammar? The headline of the document he sent to constituents, if the article is accurate, is "Fact Versus Fiction: The Democrats 'Case' Against Tom DeLay," and clearly, "Democrats" should be the possessive "Democrats'". Is this really the kind of leadership we want in our government? Blatant disregard for apostrophes? Think of the children!


Apostrophe Protection Society

no kidding... Apostrophe Protection Society

it must be an epidemic, saw this link somewhere last week, so here ya go

wish someone would start a Turn Signal Protection Society

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