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April 25, 2005

In Low Orbit

NP: The Police, Message In A Box

Lots of stuff flitting about in my immediate vicinity lately, which I realize doesn't make for the most scintillating reading, but to quote Mr. Yorke, "this is what you get when you mess with us."

  • Boss button. For the first time in about ten years, I'm going to have somebody reporting to me. I found out late Thursday afternoon that I would be managing the intern position I was interviewing for first thing Friday morning, and I apololgize for the tortured grammar. I'm as curious as anyone to see how this goes, because I've been an "army of one" for most of the last eight years or so. In any even, it'll be good for my "professional development."
  • Here we go again. Speaking of professional development, it looks like it's time to dust off the Kent Brockman "insect overlords" quote. This is the third time I've been involved in an acquisition, second time with some financial stake, and while the difference in share price is bigger this time than when Universal Music Group bought EMusic, I have far fewer shares. So no, this won't be enough to buy the new TV.
  • Like a rock, defined. Got the results back from my sleep study, and not only was there no evidence of anything wrong, I was told that I'm a very efficient sleeper. Yeah, I'm surprised at that, too. Maybe it's because I'm unconsciously traveling into somebody else's dreams, or so I hear.
  • Change, changing places. I finally figured out how to piece together some Movable Type pieces to make a sort of "gig roll" that gives brief notes on things like the Vaughan's Open Jam after they happen. I still need to work on how I'll implement that on the site, but stay tuned.
  • Things I didn't know before. Part of my very pleasant weekend was having dinner at the awfully swank one sixty blue, thanks to A Certain Someone (tm) getting a bonus, and we learned that Passover means less crowds at restaurants. I'll have to remember that one for the future.
  • Bulls win! So the regular season is over, yet the Bulls are still playing. I think there's a name for this phenomenon, but I don't recall what it is. Whatever it's called, it's really fun to watch.

We now return you to your regularly-scheduled Monday.


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