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April 27, 2005

Cognitive Dissonance Defined

NP: Faith No More, This Is It: The Best Of Faith No More

With all the focus on the Christian right, it looks like one of the GOP's other key special interests was feeling neglected. So the NRA is back in the news, on the heels of this Florida ruling that it's okay to kill people in some circumstances.

If we had a resposible news media, they'd get Wayne LaPierre in a room with James Dobson and talk about how this squares with the Ten Commandments that conservatives so desperately want tattooed on every defendent that walks into a courtroom.

I'm not saying it doesn't, or that you shouldn't have a right to defend yourself if you're in danger, but "thou shalt not kill" seems pretty specific to me. I can't wait for the first court case where a Florida defense attorney alleges bias because it's writ large in the entryway to the court building. Even better if Charlton Heston is somehow involved.


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