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May 17, 2005

Up is Down and Right is Left

NP: XTC, Apple Venus Part One

Okay, Wal-Mart playing the censorship card makes my head hurt. I see Wonkette's Jon Stewart example and raise them a Sheryl Crow CD.

I mean, come on, are we so dumb that we'll fall for Wal-Mart claiming to be victims of censorship? That would be like the White House getting in somebody's face about poorly sourced information that had massively negative consequences.

Um, never mind.

The thing that stings the most is that, yes, we are that dumb. I have little doubt that a lot of people will buy into the righteous (no pun intended) indignation on display in both of these cases, because they're too fucking lazy to think for themselves.

However, Keith Olbermann isn't one of them. Now if MSNBC could just get his RSS feed right.


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