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May 23, 2005

Stress Test

NP: Chris Cornell, Euphoria Morning

One thing I learned over the weekend is that, if you drop the speakers from the nifty Yamaha Stagepas 300 system from a height of about five or six feet, onto a metal stage, you've got a fifty-fifty chance of breaking the speaker enclosure.

I have this annoying habit of thinking I've made an informed decision and then having reality forcefully disabuse me of that notion. I had checked to see if the speakers might get dislodged from their spots in the scaffolding on the sides of the stage, and judged them to be secure. I even eyeballed them about a third of the way into the first song, and they looked okay. Two-thirds of the way in, though, vibrations and gravity had their way.

Seeing as how I got Guitar Center to give me a bit of a price break because they didn't have the speaker stand adapters in stock, I suppose I should at least ask if they can replace the one speaker that was damaged as a sort of indirect result of not having those adapters. Stranger things have happened in the quest for customer service.

Failing that, bring on the Crazy Glue!


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