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May 26, 2005

Tonight I'm Going To Rock You Tonight

NP: Oasis, Heathen Chemistry

What's most instructive about the revelation that the government actually has released a report that said U.S. soldiers flushed the Koran down a toilet is not the increasingly unlikely option that discerning angry Muslims half a world away pay close enough attention to Newsweek to tell the difference between a report that contains allegations and one where the military confirms those allegations.

No, the important take-home message is that, while Greg Beato wrote about it first for Wonkette, Ana Marie Cox was much wittier about it when she wrote nearly the exact same bit an hour or two later.

I'd say they need to stop drinking so much over there in order to avoid this sort of redundancy, but we all know that's not going to happen. I just wonder if Nick Denton counts both of those against the twelve-post-a-day requirement.


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