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June 15, 2005

Never Say Never Again

NP: Nine Inch Nails, With Teeth

Moving on to sports, I don't know which is more surprising, Phil Jackson returning to the Lakers -- contrary to Telander's claim that it's not surprising at all -- or Keith Olbermann returning to ESPN.

In both cases, the degree to which the bridges had been burned seemed almost insurmountable, emphasis on almost. But you can never count out the power of a personal connection. With Olbermann, it's clearly tag-team partner Dan Patrick, and with Jackson, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Jeannie Buss may have had something to do with it.

On a related note, I'm still trying to reconcile that MSNBC has probably the best cable news host in the business in Olbermann, and yet interviews Ronald McDonald as part of a news segment.


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