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June 22, 2005

Trust No One

NP: Coldplay, X&Y

On the one hand, this CNET article about blogging and credibility is right on the mark. Credibility is how you get to be a gatekeeper or a thought leader, winnowing out the signal from the noise for those who aren't inclined to do so themselves. This was the model I thought was going to coalesce in online music, reaggregating content after the cheap distribution flattened out the market. I'm not sure that's going to happen anymore, but with ideas, it's a much different dynamic. Nobody owns opinions, and great googly moogly, there's a lot of noise on the Net.

That said, how awesome is it that the first person quoted in a story about trust is named Fake? If CNET did that on purpose, good for them. If not, unintentional comedy at its finest.


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