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July 04, 2005

Batman Begins, Stops, Begins Again

NP: Tony Williams Lifetime, Turn It Over

Clearly this is not my weekend when it comes to movies. Last night I decided to check out Batman Begins, and figured I could ride my bike to Webster Place rather than drive up to my preferred theater in Evanston.

Bad idea.

About two-thirds of the way through the movies, it just dies. I'm guessing they missed a reel change or something. We sit for a couple of minutes, then the movie comes back on, but the sound from that point forward is about half what it was before the glitch.

Afterwards, we're given our money back, but right at that exact moment, it starts raining kinda hard. So I leave my bike tied to a post and cab it back home. For nearly the exact amount of the movie.

The movie was pretty enjoyable, but if the pervasive darkness was the cinematography and not the theater, I have to question the choice, as it was difficult to process, visually. That goes double for many of the fight sequences, but this is something I've noticed before. Hollywood seems to be going for the blurry fights these days for some reason. Lots of tight shots of quick movement that are ultimately hard to make out.

Tonight I might take in Sin City at Brew and View, so we'll see just what can go wrong with that one.


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