NP: Death Cab For Cutie, Transatlanticism
Okay, I've been getting about five infected messages a day with some new worm attached. The funny part is that they purport to be system adminstrator messages, saying things like "the support team is suspending your e-mail account, please see the attached instructions to reactivate," when I'm the only person in a position to do that.
So, unless I come home really drunk one night -- not out of the realm of possibilities lately -- I'm not going to fall for it. Haven't done much research on this particular little nasty to see if it's a new thing, or just some friend who opened something they shouldn't have.
Meanwhile, back in the land of shifting PCs, I've successfully gotten iTunes on the new machine to recognize my old music library. Emptying the "iTunes library.itl" file and replacing the drive letter in the "iTunes library.xml" worked as advertised, even if I don't remember where it was I saw it. Some link off of iPodLounge.
The other fun bit is that my new machine won't boot up when the external drive is turned on, but leaving it off until the machine is up and running seems to work fine.
Other than that, I didn't get nearly as much work done on transfering both the machines and the hosting as I wanted to over the weekend, mostly because it's way too flippin' hot in my home office. The intricate network of fans is letting me down. is not spamming you -- please read
however, if you'd like e-mails about upcoming shows and whatnot, click here
Housekeeping note
January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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