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August 09, 2005

Columnists Say The Darndest Things

NP: Bob Mould, Body of Song

I'm guessing John Tierney over at the New York Times needed to beef up his libertarian street cred. Maybe he felt he was being unfairly labeled as a straight conservative. How else do you explain an op-ed piece arguing that methamphetamines really aren't all that bad?

Even if there's a point to be made about it, this seems like such a non-starter that it's a waste of column inches. Unless he's trying to make a sort of meta-point that this is the same argument pot smokers have been trying to make for a long time, and if you buy that argument, you can, in fact, extend it to harder drugs.

It just struck me as pretty odd that even an ostensibly left-leaning paper like the New York Times would have a piece arguing for legalizing speed.


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