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August 10, 2005

Lost and Found

NP: Stereophonics, Language. Sex. Violence. Other?

It's been a weird week of misplacing things. My ID tag for the office was hiding in plain sight next to my TV on Monday. My Fire ticket vouchers took an unexpected detour into the bag I take to Vaughan's every week. And the microphone from that bag fell out into the back of my car.

So, fortunately, it's been as much about finding as losing things this week. I also found the Lollapalooza review I started a couple of weeks ago and finally finished.

Finally, I found this update on the local music tragedy from last month, which reminded me that I haven't written up my memories of Doug Meis yet. I hope to get to that soon, but it's something that can't be as half-assed as a lot of the stuff I just throw up here. On a related note I find it oddly encouraging that the actual URL for the Sun-Times story is more about the victims than about Sliwinski.


I made the site again, albeit under my well-known alias "FRIEND"!!!

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