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August 23, 2005

Truth Crashes Hard Into Parody

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

Okay, the Onion has been prescient before, but both of these crossing my inbox in the same day is downright uncanny.

Iraq's Assembly Is Given Charter, Still Unfinished (New York Times)
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Tuesday, Aug. 23 - Iraqi leaders submitted a draft constitution to the National Assembly just before their self-imposed midnight deadline on Monday, but disagreement with Sunni leaders and other, secular Iraqis left the document incomplete, with fundamental issues still in dispute.

Iraq Declares Partial Law (The Onion)
BAGHDAD—Citing the chaotic state of his occupied nation, president Jalal Talabani declared a state of partial law in Iraq Monday. "We must preserve a few laws and some order," said Talabani in a televised address. "If not for our own sake, then for the sake of the peace-loving citizens who make up nearly half our population." Talabani said the state of partial law is temporary, promising that within the decade, his interim government will be replaced by a more stable fascist theocracy.


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