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October 11, 2005

Bad Days, Good Days and Bad Hard Drives

NP: The Bravery, The Bravery

Okay, so just to recap. Friday was mostly a bad day. Big moving day around the office. I had gotten no indication that I was one of those affected, so I felt secure in my knowledge that all the craziness would just pass me by. Not so. It only took me about twenty minutes to switch spaces, so that wasn't the problem. It was more about the cognitive dissonance of something I was sure was the case being entirely false. I guess now I know how the far right wing feels.

As if that weren't enough, I was initially told I could have the flat-panel monitor left behind by the previous occupant of my new space, so I set things up accordingly, only to have the screen taken away and replaced with a smaller CRT than I had before. This sort of killed the feng shui I had going on, and made me grumpy.

We won't get into how effective the shot of Makers Mark at the beginning of a co-worker's going-away party was in taking that particular edge off. Dwelling on that might compel me to repeat it, and that way lies madness. Or at least a significant bar tab.

Ignoring for a moment the entirety of the weekend in between, yesterday was a marked improvement. Finding a twenty dollar bill on the sidewalk first thing in the morning is pretty much the best possible way to start a Monday. Then, capitalizing on the widespread knowledge of my discontent on Friday, I got myself the monitor I so richly deserve. On the way home, there was no price tag on the hunk of Spanish hard cheese I picked up at Trader Joe's, so they gave it to me for free.

Like I said, a definite improvement.

The downside is that, upon getting the recovered files from my dead hard drive, all the digital audio files from five years of home recording seem to have gone up in smoke. The MP3 collection looks to be in good shape, but hopefully another pass will yield the other stuff, because it's much harder to replace. I think I'll probably still have the MIDI tracks, so it's not out of the question that I can recreate at least some of the songs, but it's going to be an uphill battle. The other option is to clear the decks and start my songwriting life over. It's not like there were any hit songs in there, but I'm not one to disown my creative history, despite it's shortcomings.


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