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November 03, 2005

One Week

NP: Shout Out Louds, Howl Howl Gaff Gaff

I commented a few weeks ago about how I sometimes seem to fall behind my own life. I got another good measure of it this week when I finally went to fill out the rebate forms for my new external drives. Missed the postmark cutoff by three freakin' days, and I'm going to try the hardship appeal to see if the squeaky wheel can get some grease.

Anyway, last time I think I was a week off on paying down the new credit card, so maybe I'm gaining on myself.

Which feels about right. The Sox, Halloween, and the two-week quest to replace the stolen gear all had me ratcheted up a couple of notches, and there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel. The disaster area that is my apartment tells another story, but I'll get a handle on that once all the drum gear gets packed up for tomorrow night's gig.


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