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November 18, 2005

No Means...What, Now?

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

Talk about a non-denial:

[National Security Advisor Stephen] Hadley was asked at a news briefing whether he was Woodward's source.

Referring to news accounts about the case, Hadley said with a smile, "I've also seen press reports from White House officials saying that I am not one of his sources." He said he would not comment further because the CIA leak case remains under investigation.

So he didn't say he wasn't the leak, he just said that other people have said he wasn't the leak. That's so much more reassuring.

I know there are books out on the history of presidential lies, but I'd love to see one on how politicians parse their language in ways that deceive without actually lying, which goes back to the Cheney statements on Mohammed Atta again, as well as what the defintion of "is" is.


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