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November 20, 2005

Petite Angus Stakes Claim To Top Spot

NP: Miles Davis Quintet, The Complete Recordings 1965-1968

It gives new meaning to the phrase "making the short list."

I'm not sure what's the most disturbing about this. There's the very existence of it in the first place, and then there's the content, accompanied with the dirty feeling you get for quibbling about a list of "cool short dudes."

But maybe that's less frightening late on a Sunday morning. Anyway, you'd think Maxim would show more love for Verne Troyer, unless midgets were exempted (wait a minute -- did I just write "unless midgets were exempted?), and we're talking just about short people. But Yoda at number six would probably dispel that theory.

Back on the more existential side, have they really run out of other things to make lists of over at Maxim? They did actually compel me to post something about it, so I guess they win.

And finally, you'd have to imagine that this is an easy list to get to the top of. Get it? 'Cause they're all short!

Thanks -- I think -- to Mary, who thinks it's high time Yoda was recognized for his inner beauty, for the link.


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