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December 20, 2005

To Anyone Who May Be Listening

NP: The White Stripes, Get Behind Me Satan

This may be the more analytical side of what I was talking about yesterday, when your subconscious makes a conclusion for you, and you follow. With misreading headlines, it's one thing, but I'm concerned that Kevin Drum's argument about what Dubya is up to makes so much sense.

The crux of the argument is that none of the defenses of what the NSA is surveilling match the reports of the current methods of surveillance, so it follows that the government may be doing something different, and likely worse. They can get approval easily, so why set something up to bypass that approval process? Because it's not approval for the same thing.

Like I said, it's not a particularly far-fetched conclusion, so I'm concerned for two reasons: that he may be right, or that I may be so utterly disillusioned with all things political that it's made claims like this so easy for me to believe.

Seriously, between the spying and the leaking and the WAR ON CHRISTMAS, I feel like I'm finally reaching that point where I really, truly want to move to Canada. At least here in Chicago, we've got other, more important things to deal with, namely the intense fucking cold and the sudden re-emergence of the Bears' passing game.


Okay, you're hyperbole just went to far. "Bears' Passing Game"?!?! That's been an oxymoron my entire life (with the possible exception of a few downs during the McMahon years).

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