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December 28, 2005

Running Out The Clock

NP: Incubus, Morning View

About two weeks ago, it dawned on me that nothing of any significance was going to happen in the rest of 2005. After the last Diver gig, there wasn't anything going on musically. With everybody focused on the holidays, there wasn't really any opportunity for meaningful social interaction, if you get my drift. Work slowed down well in advance of my last day there of the year last week, as there are only so many ways you can debunk Cyber Monday. Plus, we have all of this week off, so now that I'm back from Virginia -- the land of crappy cellular signal, particularly for data -- I've got all this time to kill.

At first, I was facing this down with a certain lonesome dread. I could watch the first two seasons of Arrested Development, which I got on DVD for Christmas, I guess. But even that would only take maybe two days. I had to start thinking positive.

I'm coming off a particularly quiet stretch at my parents' house. So I'm rested. No work stress -- which isn't entirely true, but bear with me here. My roommate has to work. I've recently put up a profile on MySpace, but not as an artist. I've been meaning to record a version of "Not This Time," which is, if I may boast a little bit, the best song I've ever written. Do you see where this is headed?

Yeah, time for a Coz solo EP. Five songs in five days, or something like that.

Now, I've never considered myself a songwriter, but I've also got a lot more songwriting theory under my belt since I started playing the Open Jam at Vaughan's three and a half years ago. Plus, I bought all this new gear specifically for recording. May as well put it to use, right?


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