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December 29, 2005

How To Write An Alarmist Headline

NP: Thelonious Monk, The Complete Riverside Recordings

So I'm reading my New York Times daily e-mail over my first cup of coffee, when I come across an article titled "Spy Agency Removes Illegal Tracking Files." With all the furor over the NSA and their warrantless wiretapping, my blood boiled, and I clicked on the link with reckless abandon. Will this administration never learn? Will they continue to sap away at our civil liberties? Are they now watching every move we make on the Internet?

No. It's just a freakin' cookie. I'm afraid to see whether or not the Daily Kos community is foaming at the mouth over this, and tying it into the web of deceit and lies of this administration, because doing so devalues the actual bad things that really do happen.


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