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December 30, 2005

Trading Up

NP: Led Zeppelin, Box Set

I sorta wished I had seen this a few weeks ago. I could probably find 130 or so CDs I'd be willing to part with, and part of me feels, I don't know, a little guilty about consuming -- and by that I mean actually paying for -- massive amounts of gadgets. Or at least gadgest that seem somewhat superfluous. Yes, the TV is one of them, especially since I know I could have gotten by with a slightly smaller one. To wit, I didn't actually pay for my last iPod, opting instead for the freeipods.com offer that managed to get me hooked on Rhapsody.

That said, I like my gadgets. I think the iPod fidelity thing is a combination of the 192 kbps rips and better headphones, and I even managed to salvage the Sony pair I bought a while back by using the larger earbud tips. Now I just need to figure out why all my Police MP3s are too short.


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