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December 30, 2005

Living In A Box

NP: party shuffle

I really used to live like this every day? Not really having human contact outside of the grocery store for lunch until the evening hours? For almost two years? And, if the reports are to be believed, I didn't go crazy?

Tuesday can't come soon enough. This whole not talking to people for the better part of a week after only dealing with the family is going to wreak havoc on my social skills for tomorrow night. Those magic words -- open bar -- may come in handy.

As for the EP, one song down, but I'm feeling some inertia and a sense I've bitten off more than I can chew. Some of that is from the aforementioned song coming out like mid-80s John Parr. We'll see if my studio time is better spent fixing that or moving on to the next one.


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