NP: Countdown with Keith Olbermann
And the day had been going so well. First, I stopped by the Gap to buy socks. Eighty-some-odd dollars later, it ended up being three shirts, a sweater, and said socks. As an aside, striped shirts must be on the way out, 'cause they're really, really cheap. I got one that won't ever win the Shirt Wars, but even if it's slightly more subtle than the current trend, it still achieves my unstated goal of being about two years behind the fashion curve.
Anyway, the point here being that the socks, the reason for the whole trip, were the wrong size. I don't think I've ever bought the wrong size socks. Ever. Then again, I hadn't forgotten to put the catalyzing tablet in my contact lens disinfecting solution since I started wearing contacts until last month, when I did it twice.
Then, I came home from a delayed viewing of the African Nations Cup over at The Globe to realize I hadn't set the DVR for 24. This is the Bears' fault, because I didn't set up the series recording before the premiere because I knew it was going ot run over because of the game, and Comcast's fault for having such a brutally clunky interface. And mine for forgetting, but they helped. is not spamming you -- please read
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Housekeeping note
January 2, 2014
Slacker Profiteering
July 7, 2013
In My Defense
June 20, 2013
When A Foul Isn't A Foul
February 5, 2013
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