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January 24, 2006

Clancy To The Rescue

NP: John Cage, 4'33" (dance mix)

If you've been reading these entries lately, you know where my head's been at. What just dawned on me is that I've lost sight of one of my mantras, and that is that nothing is worth taking completely seriously. Period. If I can't crack a joke about the most dire-seeming circumstance, something is very, very wrong.

So what brought on this particular revelation? While I've been excessively grumpy about work lately, today I found occasion to quote Chief Wiggum in an e-mail accompanying a report that will likely be forwarded to the highest levels of management in the company. Something about doing that reminded me of how I used to approach, well, everything. My favorite was sending an e-mail that was more-or-less one step removed from Jann Wenner advocating that we kill off a member of N'Sync back when I worked for RollingStone.com.

Anyway, we'll see if this breaks the logjam. I certainly hope so, 'cause I was really starting to bum me out.


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