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March 03, 2006


NP: The Mars Volta, De-Loused In The Comatorium

I checked my Yahoo homepage, and couldn't help but notice something in my "sports" module. Cubs up 6-1 in the 3rd inning of their second spring training game? After winning their first yesterday. I'm not even a baseball fan and I've got a bit of a chill that it's that time of year again.

Which way do I go on this one? Do I get in line for my World Series tickets, or declare them mathematically eliminated from the 2006 postseason? Keep in mind that we're talking about the Cubs, and any middling expectations are not allowed. I will say they'll be more popular than ever this season, as long as I define that by actual Wrigley Field attendance, and that's only because they've extended the bleachers out about 20 or 30 feet.

Okay, now it's 6-3 in the bottom of the 3rd. That's more like it.

Cue Hank in 3...2...


Since I've been summoned, I'll tell you what every Cub fan will tell you:

Of *course* this is the Cubs' year.

After that, I'll tell you what every Cub fan *really* believes deep down inside, though few admit to themselves yet alone utter out loud to anyone, but has been taught and driven home by at least 40 years of heartbreak:

It will never be the Cubs' year, at least not in my lifetime. But damn the ivy looks good...

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