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March 12, 2006

That Was Quick

NP: party shuffle

Okay, I realize the extent to which I'm jinxing myself, but my apartment search took less than a week. After a some fairly fruitless searching yesterday, I realized that the place I looked at on Friday was better than pretty much anything else I was going to find, and put in what I've been told was the first application on the property. So, unless that insurance fuck-up from a few months ago seriously hurt my credit report, this should be a done deal sometime on Monday.

I don't know if it's an artifact of the emergence of Craig's List, or what, but some of the perceived glut of listings online seems to have been two and three different rental agencies listing the same properties, which is what gave me this false sense of supply after looking at that first place on Friday night.

I'm not without options if this doesn't go through, but I don't know that any will be as good. In particular, the logistical solution for loading the drums in and out looks to be excellent, which is an okay tradeoff for having to pay for laundry again. Rent-wise, I'm picking up almost exactly where I left off back in 2002 when I last lived by myself, which maybe goes to show how the housing boom has affected rental prices.

Once I get that phone call confirming it tomorrow, I can move on to the next big things on the docket, namely planning the move and the World Cup trip, the latter being in somewhat dire need of attention with just three months to go.


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