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March 29, 2006

Democratic Rope-a-Dope?

NP: Foo Fighters, The Colour and The Shape

If the Democrats are doing what I think they're doing, it just might be brilliant. As the adminstration and the GOP nosedives with each subsequent embarassment, the refrain with regard to the Dems has been "oh yeah, well where's your plan?" Over and over. The media has gone along with the talking point, and the meme has reached a sort of fever pitch within the conventional wisdom. Even Democrats are left wondering when their party will grow a spine, when they'll aggressively take on their detractors. It's gotten to where the midterm elections have been reduced to "the Democrats could clean up, and quite possibly take back both chambers of Congress, if only they had a plan."

Today, they unveiled a plan.

Did the one-note pitch of the Republicans, and subsequently the media, suddenly became a pitch the Democrats could hit out of the park? Obviously, there will be criticism, and attempts to say that this plan is not, in fact, a plan, but it seems like the patience could pay off. Don't swing at the fastball until you're sure you can hit the fastball. Which is mixing metaphors with the "rope-a-dope" thing, but never mind that.


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