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April 07, 2006

Restart Now?

NP: John Cage, 4'33

The conversation between me and my body last night went something like this:

ME: I should go to the gym to work on that strained calf muscle. MY BODY: Watch some TV first. The gym will still be there in an hour.
ME: Sounds reasonable.
MY BODY: Ha! Now I've got you on the couch, and you'll never get up!
ME: No, no...I still might go out and see Mates of State!
MY BODY: Wrong, bucko! You'll be going to sleep any minute now!
ME: But it's, like, not even 9pm! That's crazy talk!
MY BODY: You are getting sleepy...
ME: Let me just watch Olbermann first?
MY BODY: Sleepy...
ME: Zzzzzzz

Seriously, from the moment I decided I'd take in my TV lying down instead of sitting up, it was game over. Apparently I needed it, and I'm feeling the full effects of a good night's rest so far this morning.


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