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April 08, 2006

My Past Is Following Me

NP: Frank Zappa, Make A Jazz Noise Here

This is getting downright weird. Last Saturday, at Elbo Room, I ran into two of the physical therapists that worked with me when I rehabbed both of my knees after surgery. Then on either Tuesday or Wednesday, I ran into a former co-worker that I hadn't seen in around five years at Chipotle getting lunch.

Apparently someone somewhere thought those two weren't good enough, so last night I ran into a guy I worked with ten years ago at my first job out of college while taking in some more music at a club I'd never been to before. I saw him walk by and knew I recognized him, but it probably took me a good five minutes of turning over scenarios in my brain to realize the connection.

I realize I have a history in this city, but still, three separate incidents like this in one week seems pretty remarkable. So here I am, remarking.


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