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April 25, 2006

There Are No Stupid Questions, Only Stupid Surveys

NP: Los Lobos, The Ride

I try to avoid saying specific things about work out of fear of getting "dooced," but given my area of expertise, I can't just let this go. Why is it that pretty much any survey that tries to get at fuzzy HR-themed objectives in invariably written by a small caged primate? Case in point, from a third-party survey they're subjecting us all to this month:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Work-Life Balance: The extent to which the job allows employees to balance work and other interests
Strongly Disagree -- Disagree -- Somewhat Disagree -- Neither -- Somewhat Agree -- Agree -- Strongly Agree

Is it just me, or is there nothing to agree or disagree with? Are they asking if I agree with their definition of Work-Life Balance? Seriously, if this many bad surveys make it out into the wild, I should be making a lot more money than I am at present fixing all of them.


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