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May 14, 2006

Boxing Out

NP: Chris Whitley, Din Of Ecstasy

I'm going to take a break from goading Hank into commenting to give the update on the move.

I continue to have a lot of undifferentiated "stuff."

I also have a tape measure around here somewhere, and I need to find it before I can go acquire appropriate containers for some of said stuff.

That all being said, I'm making progress. The nice thing is that I've got a couple of good options for storage space, and I'm getting a handle on how to use them most effectively. Part of the slowness is that I'm trying to let the space tell me where things are supposed to go. The CD closet screamed out at me, so that was easy, but the rest may take a little time. The bedroom closet is in good shape. The GTD mantra is forcing me to reevaluate a couple things regarding relevance, immediacy and proximity, as well as a more structured approach to the big file cabinet.

Until I make the pilgrimage out to IKEA, some things are going to remain in boxes or in piles, but that's just how it's going to have to be.

Still missing one kitchen counter and my name on the buzzer and mailbox, but I think those will be fixed during the week. I finally bought a digital camera, so maybe I'll post some pictures as things get more settled.


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