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July 14, 2006

Rudy and John and Howard

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

Okay, time to get back into politics. Howard Kurtz at the Washington Post talks about Rudy Giuliani saying that he's "seriously considering" a run for president. Kurtz then expands his premise to include how problematic it would be for Giuliani or fellow "maverick" John McCain to win the GOP primary.

Now, despite his recent appearances with GOP candidates and his stated goal of helping the Republicans keep control of Congress, I haven't seen any quote that says explicitly that he's seriously considering running for president as a Republican.

I have no proof that he would bolt the party (I'm tempted to say "pull a Lieberman," but that's a whole 'nother thing), but with all conventional wisdom saying you can't agree to disagree with the GOP base on social issues, doesn't a Giuliani/McCain independent bid sound at least intriguing?


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