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July 18, 2006

Non-Stop Cool

NP: Pandora

So I tried giving the AC a rest while I was at work yesterday. Bad idea. Even after a good six hours or so with the one window unit back on, my bed was still warm to the touch when I tried going to sleep. Won't be making that mistake until the temperature stays under 90 for a whole day.

I need to get one more small air conditioner for the bedroom, and could stand to get some curtains in the dining room to limit the amount of baking that room experiences in the morning.

Overall, the apartment is coming along. Instead of actually putting stuff away, I just transferred a bunch of piles of stuff to places where you can't really see them, and made myself a note to process it all later. It's a bit of a cop-out, but I had to get myself to some degree of fake order so I could actually feel like I've accomplished something.

Now I can focus on upgrading furniture where necessary. Anybody want to buy a big, green sofa and loveseat?


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