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July 21, 2006

Everybody's Doing It

NP: The Raconteurs, Broken Boy Soldiers

So I made it to the gym this week for the first time since, um, the end of April. In my defense, I had the Germany trip and the move to deal with, so free time was at a premium. On the other hand, a good workout regimen works because it's not considered just something you do in your free time. Anyway, got in, worked a bit too hard, and was kind of amused by how many other people on the train also seemed to have gone to the gym and not bothered showering and changing afterwards, opting instead to just head home in their workout clothes.

As always, it's never just you, and given the heat and humidity, it makes a good bit of sense given that you'll likely be all sweaty again by the time you get home. Ideally, I'd be biking home after the workout, but I haven't quite gotten into that rhythm just yet.


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