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August 04, 2006

Rise Of The Colbert Nation

NP: John Cage, 4'33"

Okay, Stephen Colbert is taking over the world. A few weeks ago, there was the humorless reporting on his segment with Congressman Robert Wexler, which inspired this brilliant followup segment on the Colbert Report.

Then he did a bit -- or pulled a stunt, depending on your point of view -- on Wikipedia this week that caused a bit of a stir for the open source encyclopedia.

And now, of course, he's attracted the ire of Geraldo Rivera, along with The Daily Show and, once again, Keith Olbermann. Unless they got a response in immediately on Wednesday's shows, which I haven't watched yet, there's been no response from the Comedy Central contingent. Olbermann devoted a whole segment to the Fox News bloviating, but curiously omitted the references to Colbert and Jon Stewart. And if you read the transcript, O'Reilly doesn't pile on when Colbert -- whose on-air persona is an acolyte of the commentator he calls "Papa Bear" -- gets brought into the conversation.


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