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August 17, 2006


NP: John Cage, 4'33

Okay, so the post that pointed out that I had passed 200 list.in.to.chicago newsletters in four years was also the 999th post to the main blog. Weird numerology is afoot.

Although posting about how many posts I've made, and thereby increasing the number of posts made, reminds me of the old Letterman bit when they had the number of either crimes or murders on a big LED sign in Times Square, and he quipped that some guy was killing someone just to watch the number change. Which was much funnier and much less grisly when Letterman said it.

On a slightly related tangent, I flipped on the TV late last night only to see Alice Cooper on the Craig Ferguson show. Not exactly the kind of act I would expect to see landing a late-night talk show slot these days.


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