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August 23, 2006

Laptop Dancing

NP: John Cage, 4'33

I was talking to someone about buying laptops recently, and how cheap they are all of a sudden. The imminence of Windows Vista came up, and it hit me that nearly everything I've seen at that near-$500 price point has only 512MB of RAM, which is ostensibly half of what you would need to run the new Microsoft OS whenever it finally comes out.

As with most tech purchases, this has me confounded, because I like the latest and greatest, but at the same time, I only really need a laptop as a dumb Internet terminal for my living room. So $500 and XP should be fine. If I want to be, like, totally out of date.

With regard to confounding technology purchases, don't ask how much the LCD TV I bought last fall costs now, because then I might actually look. And I most definitely do not want to look.


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