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August 25, 2006

Teaching The Controversy, Planetary Edition

NP: iPod on shuffle

I'm just wondering if there will be some sort of face-off between the opposing camps regarding Pluto. Should schools have to give time to the argument that Pluto is, in fact, a planet, even though the scientific community has decided otherwise? Do textbooks that will now claim eight planets have to have stickers on them that say that the existence of only eight planets is an unproven theory?

And, more importantly, would this whole "controversy" have helped sales of my former band's CD had we gone with my idea and called it Plutonic? Ultimately, I got voted down on the title, and yet we kept all the artwork that was in support of the name, including the public domain NASA photo of Pluto and Charon on the cover.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that it's alright is also available on ITunes.


A bit late to offer my opinion, but the album should have definitely been called 'Plutonic'. It's my belief that things like albums and movies shouldn't have titles that can easily be repurposed into bad reviews.

For instance, there's the film 'Blow'.

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