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August 25, 2006

That Unassailable Administration Logic Again

NP: iPod on shuffle

Lots of talk about the ramping up of the marketing campaign against Iran this week. Over at Political Animal, Laura Rozen quotes the Pentagon drawing a line between Iran and the Shiite insurgents in Iraq. Brig. Gen. Michael Barbero says "I think it's irrefutable that Iran is responsible for training, funding and equipping some of these (Shiite) extremist groups and also providing advanced IED technology to them."

This is where the parsing of language and plausible deniability come into play, once again. He said "some" of these extremist groups, which, in order to be technically correct, means two. And you might be able to sneak by the truth-o-meter with one. Finding one or two Shiite militias with ties to Iran, out of what I presume is quite a lot of them in the country, probably isn't that hard. So it's not lying per se. I'd almost feel better if they would just flat-out lie sometimes.


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